On Behalf of the Village of South Pekin, we hereby recognize retiring Chief Mark Morger on October 29th, 2021 for his distinguished career, exceptional service and commitment to public safety in protection and service to the residents and businesses of the Village of South Pekin and surrounding communities. For 38 years, Police Chief Mark Morger has dedicated himself to the highest standards of professionalism and excellence as a member of the South Pekin Police Department. Well respected by fellow law enforcement officers, civilians, employees, and volunteers, Chief Morger has truly been a pillar of this community and his love for our Village is unquestionable.
We encourage the entire community to join us in expressing our deepest and most sincere appreciation and gratitude for Chief Morger’s years of unwavering dedication and commitment to the Village, and congratulate him on the occasion of his retirement from the South Pekin Police Department. We wish him and his family a happy and healthy retirement and all the best and continued success in his future endeavors.